We are experts in designing, developing and managing different types of sport events, in diverse locations and challenging venues.
We also run our own events like The Family Run, the most important run for families, and create other sports experiences for our clients.
All of them have two common denominators: make the participants enjoy the sportive experience and make a positive impact on society.
To achieve the organization’s stated goals
We offer a completely flexible event management service, providing as much support as you require. We provide cost-effective solutions to organize both large and small events.
To create a professional atmosphere
A specialist project team will work closely with you from beginning to end, to ensure we deliver exactly what you want. Our service is reliable, efficient and consistent.
To create a fun and memorable experience
Driven by attention to detail, we plan carefully, budget effectively, schedule accurately and leave nothing to chance. Our standards are high, our approach is collaborative and we pride ourselves on running successful events.

Kaptiva Sports has positively impacted more than 12.000 participants during their events.
Our goal is to continue designing events, both for children and for adults, who want to experience unforgettable moments building together a better world through the values of sport.

Family Run
Barcelona 2015
The Family Run es la festa esportiva familiar més important de Barcelona, on grans i petits uneixen forces per gaudir d’una cursa inoblidable. Creuar la línea de meta amb les persones que més estimen es el premi que ofereix The Family Run, una original cursa familiar que va celebrar la seva segona edició el passat diumenge 14 de Juny al Parc de la Ciutadella.

Sport Corporate Service
Barcelona 2013
At Kaptiva Sports, our team of professionals provides event management capabilities coordinating all logistical, operational and marketing components of an event. From initial creation to post-event clean up, we ensure success. This leaves you with the task of simply outlining your organization’s objectives to our team and enjoying the event.

The Family Run – Barcelona’14
A day full of emotions and values.
The race is ready and adapted to have young children with any type of disability and for children from 0 years.
Also enjoy a day of a play area of 300 m2 with inflatables, workshops and sports activities and entertainment for all participants
and family companions.